Allsevin’s shopping guide

How to register an order

How can I register my order in Allsevin?

  1. Sign into your profile
  2. Search for your desired product
  3. Click on “add to basket”
  4. In order to confirm your order click on “confirm order”
  5. If you want, you can change the quantity of your order
  6. You can use your registered address or enter a new one
  7. In order to complete your order, chose the type and the time interval of the delivery

-the cost of delivery will be calculated based on the post office

-delivery will be free for the orders above 300,000 TOMANS

  1. If you need an invoice, please tick “send invoice”
  2. The last step is to choose how you want to pay

-currently only one type of online payment is available: SHETAP cards

  1. When your purchase is successfully confirmed, the system will give you a code in 3 letters