Sell on Allsevin

Who can be the seller at the Allsevin Sales Center?

Allsevin sales center is a platform where sellers of various goods including famous brands, micro and macro sellers, small business owners and anyone who has a product to offer can sell their products as legal and natural seller in Allsevin.

Natural seller: is a person has his / her own characteristics such as name, surname, date of birth, national code, ID number, etc.

Legal seller: is an institutes or a company which is registered after the legal process and have specifications such as legal entity name, registration date, registration number, identification code, economic code, subject of activity, etc.

What documents are required to register at the Allsevin Sales Center?

Email address

Bank account number must match to the name of person or company registered
Cell phone number ؛ to receive registration confirmation code

For the natural seller:

National ID card image

Valid Value Added Certificate Image (if you are subject to VAT)

For legal seller:

Registration No

National ID

Economic code

Image of valid Value Added Certificate (valid for at least 2 months

Both sides of the national card of all signature owners must be scanned together in one page

Image of the latest official newspaper

What are the terms and conditions of sale on Allsevin’s site? There are some rules required to be a seller on the Allsevin article is collected on the website of the Allsevin’s Sales training Center. For more details read the Allsevin’s terms of Sales article.